Get a great deal by trading in your vehicle
Car dealerships add a lot on to cars for the fact they offer warranties and checks and may be able to offer much more than private sellers. This does mean though that they may be able to budge on price quite a lot. One of the best ways to make a great saving is to trade in a car. What car you trade in only matters to some extent: it should ideally be something they know they can sell on easily.
Offering you a better deal for your old car than elsewhere or than you could get from just selling it makes buying from a dealer much more attractive, they know you could go elsewhere including private dealers and so they know that a good deal for your old car is one way they can compete.
Trading in a car means also that if you are using finance you will need less finance and so the rate you get will be much lower as the financing company has much less risk.
Of course it isn’t always the case that you will get more for a trade in than you would by selling a car, some places will assume you haven’t checked how much your car is worth: make sure you know the list price at least to get a good price and ideally you should have a price that someone local has offered you to make sure you get as good or a better price.
Jun 7th, 2011